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Randy’s sister came this weekend to help us sort, pack and throw out.  She is brutal on the throwing out!  Of course, that is why she was so helpful!  We loaded the back of my SUV with clothes to go to the consignment shop.  With our work life behind us, we had lots and lots and lots of black pants, black skirts, black pumps, button downs, ties and khakis that we could remove from our life.  Here is the shot of my car:

Consignment store, here we come!

Consignment store, here we come!

Next we loaded up boxes, bags and sacks full of stuff to give the local thrift store.  Wow, we had been hoarding a truck load of unneeded stuff in our closets. This doesn’t even address the stuff the kids still need to go through.  Whew, I always think of myself as a minimalist, but this is embarrassing.

Stuff to donate

Stuff to donate

Everything else is either already in boxes to move or hanging out waiting for Randy’s packing prowess!  The linen closet got its turn today and my, doesn’t it look fine!  Of course, we don’t know what to do with that box of old video recordings.  Hey, don’t tell me you don’t know what those are!

Almost empty linen closet

Almost empty linen closet

Of course, with everything getting packed and the movers still two weeks away, this is what the rooms are looking like!

Boxed and waiting

Boxed and waiting

Boxed and just hanging out!

Boxed and just hanging out!

More patient boxes waiting to go!

More patient boxes waiting to go!

We will have a month between moving out and moving in.  Now we have to figure out what is essential to take with us and what can live with us in a motel.  How big are the rooms at Motel 6?  I have heard they leave the lights on, but never have heard a peep about their storage!  Well, probably not really staying at Motel 6.  We will be making the rounds of relatives, friends and maybe even strangers!  Luckily, we both come from big families.

That about closes out this edition of “what in the heck is going on” with the move.  I have been a bit sad, discontent and disquieted by all this change.  This, of course, surprises me.  I am usually the one that is like “let’s make changes, let’s move, let’s do something new”.  I suspect this will pass when we get settled, but until then, keep your fingers crossed for me.

As always, I would love to hear from you.



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6 Responses to Where are we going to put it all?

  1. Emily says:

    Nice job purging and packing. I definitely need to learn a thing or two about packing boxes from you all. When I moved, many of mine wouldn’t close, so I couldn’t stack them very well #overstuffingboxes

    Good luck wrapping the rest of it up!

  2. I felt the same way when we moved! It can be a bit overwhelming at times. You should read the post on my blog about being without all of our stuff for three months. When we finally did get everything back it took me nearly ten months to get everything back in order. That’s when I put my foot down and decided to purge everything I didn’t need… Moving shouldn’t be this hard right? 🙂 I finally took the last box out of our house and I probably had a satisfied look on my face as I carried it to the recycling bin.

    • catherine says:

      Thank you Kelly for the moral support. I remember reading your post about the same 4 shirts! Need to reread and get mentally prepared. Glad to know it ends.

  3. Charlotte Liddeke says:

    I so enjoyed the weekend and helping you all purge!! I am a continual purger. I keep bags in my hall closet and periodically just put stuff in them to get rid of. Then, when the closet is full I set the bags out for a local charity. I always feel so good getting rid of things. Okay, you and Randy are welcome to stay with us for however long you need a place. We’d love having you stay with us!!! It’s a huge transistion you’re going through and not having a place to live for a month just adds to the feelings. Please know that you do have a place to stay.

  4. Christine says:

    I need Aunt Charlotte at my home! I don’t come close to qualifying for that tv show but Charlotte WOULD set me straight and be exasperated with what I’ve kept stockpiled in boxes in the basement. Hey, at least the boxes are labeled. Someday, when we do finish restoring our home I am looking forward to sorting everything and giving it up! Thankfully James is so busy with working that he can’t focus on our house yet and I don’t have to come to terms with the stuff – just my good intentions!

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