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Well, this blog post should go quickly as I do not have anything remotely interesting to say.  It has been a bit quiet around these parts.  I did look at a possible studio space last week, but haven’t decided which way I am going with it.  We spent a beautiful Saturday at the lake with family and friends.  It was so darn relaxing that I only remembered to take 3 pictures!  Bad blogger.  We took a spin around the lake in the boat.  It was so picturesque.  Thanks James for the tour.

Here are the pictures I did take at dinner time:


The kids

The kids

James holding a can of beer and trying to hold court!

James holding a can of beer and trying to hold court!

A great time was had by all.  Thanks Teals for hosting the party.  Our weather has been delightfully cool which is so unusual.  Kind of makes up for the last two summers!

Here are two links I found interesting last week:

A wonderfully painted utility box in San Francisco here and an awesome stairway art project here.

Well, I hope your week went well and I will try to be more exciting next time!  As always, comments are appreciated!

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