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Well, you know we are moving.  Might as well send me to the funny farm now!  Not only are we moving, we don’t know where we will be until our house is finished.  Patrick came home to give us a hand at packing.  Certainly enjoyed his visit.  The first thing he and I tackled was my dad’s stuff.  Yep, it is still exactly where he put it when he moved in!  The sad news is that he has been gone for 2 years and I hadn’t touched a thing.  So, Patrick and I went through and packed what we are keeping.  We did find some Texas Tech yearbooks and one OU yearbook from the past.  I just had to crack them open and, lo and behold, found pictures of both my mom and dad and my aunt!  Here, take a look:


Papa as a really young college student

Papa as a really young college student

He is the cute guy on the right, top row.

And my mom was in the same yearbook.  Here is her picture:

Mom, the cute coed

Mom, the cute coed

Mom is the cutie right in the middle.  You might recognize my mom, Patsy, as “mabel” in the header picture.  Aw, these two were really cute, sweet people and I sure miss them.

Moving on (pun intended) to other packing news, here are the boxes with Papa’s stuff neatly packed away:

2 of 3 boxes of Papa's stuff in the bathtub

2 of 3 boxes of Papa’s stuff in the bathtub

Okay, the bathtub seems like a good storage place.  Heaven knows we haven’t used the tub in years!

The rest of the house is looking like a BOX repository as well:

Hall Box

Hall Box

The hall box should not be confused with the living room box.  Here is that box:

Living room box

Living room box

And in case you think the dining room is feeling left out, take a look in there:

Dining Room boxes

Dining Room boxes

The dining room is always one of the hardest to pack!  For reasons only known in my faulty brain, we have 12 place settings of china, serving dishes, a coffee pot and several platters.  That is before you throw in crystal!  I should have registered MONEY for my wedding.  I could have retired several years ago.  Here, take a look at the china cabinet before:

FULL China Cabinet

FULL China Cabinet

That ostrich egg, that sits front and center, was hand carried home from London by James.  I think they used it to make a really, really big omelet.

And now, the after:

Almost empty

Almost empty!

If only I could figure out where to pack that LAST platter, my life would be complete.  Well, no surprise here…Randy is an awesome packer. I suspect he might have been a grocery sacker in a former life.  He is able to pack things so well.  He maximizes the volume and minimizes the breakage.  Yep, I took a picture of him packing the second floor stuff:

Rand, the master packer!

Randy, the master packer!

The other big task this weekend was to pick out tile for the new fireplace.  Yep, major fail there.  We are  looking at several thousand tile pieces to use as a highlight on the surround, but have yet to jump in and order any.  Here are two that are in the running:

Love this Fay Jones Day tile!

Love this Fay Jones Day tile!

Check out the Fay Jones Day website to see all her wonderful tile!

And this next one is from Motawi Tileworks:

Love this

Love this Motawi tile

I swear, I have looked at 9,000 tiles.  Why, oh why are they all so fabulous and so expensive?  It makes it so difficult to pick one.

You can check out my boards if you want to see more!  My link is  If you have any suggestions, just pop them in the comment box and I will take a look.

Well, God willing and the creek don’t rise, I hope to get over to the house this week and will take some pictures.  Of course, I don’t own a camera and Randy’s Iphone will not be with me.  Hmmmm I might need to rethink this.  Talk soon…

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5 Responses to Can you say “We are moving”?

  1. James says:

    WOW, looks like so much fun. Seeing china cabinet brings back great memories. The one thing in our houses I never broke, any of the glass in the cabinet. If I had, I don’t think I would have survived.

    I like the Frank Lloyd Wright tile. Looks like the stain glass windows dad made, at least I think he made a few.

    And great yearbook pictures. Yep, brings a “big miss” out in me.

  2. Emily says:

    I LOVE the Motawi tile. It’s awesome and so Frank Lloyd Wright like Uncle James said. And it’s green. And we love green.

    Also, I clearly need Dad to come help me pack things up. I was just thinking “do I *really* need to rustle up newspaper to wrap breakable things in…” I suppose that’s a “yes.”

  3. mj says:

    Wonderful post and I love the pictures of Mom and Dad — cutest couple for sure. Both these tiles and the ones on your pinterest page are all gorgeous. I’m still a sucker for the Rookwood “Grove” tile but the prices are insane.

    I am super impressed you have packed so much! Wow. We drove by the house today and there’s a lot going on. The red windows look amazing. And PS, you can use my iPhone camera.

  4. Charlotte Liddeke says:

    Okay, you need me. I am such a good thrower outer. However, keep me away from it all if you don’t want to get rid of stuff. I got rid of so much stuff when I moved and it was such a good feeling. My motto is not to store anything. If you’re not going to be using it within the next year then you don’t need it.

    I love both tiles – good luck with that decision.

  5. catherine says:

    I do need you, but not as much as Randy does!
    I will let you know on the tiles!

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